Wednesday, November 21, 2007

rip off

I do like my life in Indonesia very much. Its more or less easy going except these little thinks that piss you off.
It is rainy season right now, so I kept my shoes outside of our house. I thought it might be all right, but a few days ago I got up in the morning to realize that 3 pairs of my shoes where gone. So far so god, they “left” my office shoes. On the other hand I do not understand why these fucking thieves took my shoes?! Keep in mind I do have at least size 45, which makes them far to huge for all Indonesians! The other problem about been ripped off your shoes, is the fact that a replacement of shoes in my size is nearly impossible in this lovely country, because shoes sold here are for Indonesians and cover mostly sizes up to 42.
Finally I managed to replace two pairs but nevertheless I am still looking for this fucking wanker: If you read this- I will cut of your balls if I catch you!!!
Stay tuned for next adventures of my daily asian life.

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