Thursday, November 1, 2007


I am not sure if all of you still know the 80ies style video game tetris- used on „gameboy“?!
Anyway- it is kind of simple game where different styled blocks fall down and your task is to put them together in one unit. If you fail there are too much blocks around and you loose the game. That’s more or less the same with the morning run to the office. This starts right after leaving our kampung for the main road to the „highway“. From that point i do have the special music of tetris in my mind. If everything went smoothly you will be able to reach the office within 10 minutes on the highway- using a special lane just for motorcycles. There are to main „problems“ what might have an effect if you win or loose.
First- traffic lights! There is often a countdown shown how may seconds you have to wait or how many seconds you have left to cross the junction. The problem is that indonesians tend to stop early cause the conditions of their bikes if maybe not that good 10 seconds ahead. Means if i try to speed up to make it- they slow you down. The other main problems are the headscarf wearing muslim ladies. They tend to believe more in allah then into checking the traffic. They drive me crazy because they never pay attention to the other drivers.
Stay tuned for more traffic...

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