since i arrived in yogyakarta i am member in a so called health club. that is more or less important cause the food is not really healthy at all in indonesia, so you need some sort of sports. i am not a sports guy at all, but rest and relax @hyatt pool sounds good for me. my health membership includs also the use of the so called spa. in this case it is more or less a changing room with an attached jacuzzi and something you really need in the hot climate of indonesia- right a sauna!!!
after a few weeks i got used to the climate and i thought i could check out the sauna as well. as a regular costumer, i realized that my indonesian friends have kind of different understanding of how to use a sauna. their behavior at all is indeed what u might can call rude. between 4pm and 7pm there is allways a group of half dead chinese-indonesian daddys, which are my favourits! they don't close the door to the sauna- cause it could be getting to hot and they love to get wet not by sweating- no way- they using the water for the hot stones to shower themself. the provided scoop is used by them to scrubb their back. after they finnished to use the "sauna" they go either for diving in the jacuzzi or taking a relaxed bath in the cold tub.
so if you wanna use the sauna be prepared- it need some time to heat up again and to dry it. if you are lucky afterwords there is nobody of the half dead left in the cold tub- so you can dip in directly. heading back to the changing room if was amazed to see one of the older half deads sleeping on a bench in the middle of the room. first time i joined the spa party i thought to call a rescue to team, cause if they are "dive" in the jacuzzi it looks like they are dead finally.
stay tuned!!
jawoll, ein weiterer gelangweilter Mittzwanziger hat seinen eigenen Blog! Und schreibt über so entscheidende Sachen wie Saunen in Indo! Wenn ich es gelernt hab, verlink ich dich freilich. Hey schreib doch mal über die ach so geilen Parties dort!
Bis dahin, salam sukacita
huhu holunderbeerchen,
welcome to the real world!!!
aber wieso eigentlich bule, meintest du nicht eher bulle???
anyway spa on
die dicke
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