I just had two nights in Sao Paulo, but I am impressed what the City has on offer. Well I went out on Saturday night with my fellow friend Ipanema Fred and for my lazy Sunday program I made an appointment with Corcovado Jack and Copacana Else to meet them once again. After a delicious breakfast @the Grand Club Lounge I left for the Sao Paulo Jockey Club. This was my very first time visiting horse racing, but I loved it from the very first minutes. The whole scenery- like the location itself as well the people are unbelievable. From your seats you see the whole racing area as well as the skyline of “Brooklin”. Nevertheless Copacabana Else did not feel as comfortable as me and Corcovado Jack- so we had to leave early for our next destination. The Parque Ibiraquera is like the Central Park for NYC- people go there especially on weekends to relax and do some sports. I would rate this park as well as the Jockey Club as top notch places in Sao for a lazy Sunday program. As I won a quiet huge amount of “Dinger” I invited the others for dinner. I had chosen a rustic restaurant in one of the arty quarters of Sao. Go for the baby beef- it was brilliant like “the” lemon flavoured meat in Athens! The whole area is even on Sunday evening busy- and I thought about some clubbing as well. But due to the fact that I had to leave to the airport I skipped this for my next visit scheduled next year at least.
Stay tuned for more lazy Sunday reports all over the world!